Writeoffs to the Rescue is a book written by top CPA’s and tax professionals about proactive strategies to legally lower your tax obligations. The book is available on Amazon and was released right after tax season in April 2019.
Below is more information on three Dental Accounting Association members who contributed to writing this book.
Peter Freuler – Florida CPA – Peter is a licensed CPA in Florida and holds a Bachelor’s degree from Columbia University and Master’s degree from University of Central Florida. He is also a founding member of the Dental Accounting Association. Click to learn more about his CPA practice focused on dental practices and various dental specialties.
Luke Gheen – Colorado CPA – Luke is a licensed CPA in Colorado and holds a Bachelor’s degree from University of Colorado. He also has an MBA from University of Colorado. He is also a founding member of the Dental Accounting Association. Click to learn more about his CPA practice focused on pediatric dentistry, oral surgeons, orthodontists and general dental practices.
Mike Manoloff – Texas CPA – Mike is a licensed CPA in Texas and holds a Bachelor’s degree from Indiana University. He is also a founding member of the Dental Accounting Association. Click to learn more about his CPA practice focused on general dentistry practices, orthodontists, pediatric dentistry and various dental specialty practices.
Writeoffs to the Rescue provides various tax strategies to lower your tax, recognizes that taxes aren’t fair, and the rules were overhauled recently.
The U.S. tax code is 67,204 pages long. Heck, there are 1,638 different forms. As a result, taxpayers overpay $1 billion per year in taxes (according to U.S. Government Accounting Office).